Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Beginnings

I'm currently having a hard time believing that I haven't written a blog post for 10 days! I've been thinking about doing it for about nine!

It official...I'm full time Madeline Bea Soap Co.'s owner and sole employee. I wish I could say that I've been super productive with my added availability...but seeing how it's also been the first week of our summer I've been a bit lazy! The girls and I have been playing outside, getting together with friends for pool parties and play dates, taking long naps, etc. By the end of this week, I had accumulated a bunch of work and had to hunker down. Hopefully soon I will find my new working groove and I'll be able to both enjoy my kids and get my work done.

I have to say, though, giving up my other income was a risk and I sort of took the chance on fate. I trusted that this was God's plan for me and our family and that it would work out...somehow. And, as anyone who has experienced the joy of trusting God will understand, this week sales have picked up and there have been a few new opportunities that have presented themselves. I know that no matter what, we will be fine. But I'm excited by the prospects and I thank God for showing me the way.

I have to share this picture. The soap batch that I was coloring in this post turned out just as I had wanted. Soapmaking is a big chemical process, so you can change variables and hope the outcome is what you were shooting for, but it's not always the case. Fragrances disappear or change completely, colors rarely stay the same or behave logical ways. But every once in a while you'll get lucky and get exactly what you were aiming for. So here it is...our brand new Lotus Bath Bar that will be ready in about 3 weeks: