Grace does not come easily. Either your born with it or it's something you develop through life's adversity.
I was not born with grace. Sometimes I feel like I'm gaining grace with age. Sometimes I feel about as grace-less as I was at 13.
Grace, however, is something that I pray for daily. But if you know how God works, He doesn't just give you what you ask for. He teaches it to you so that you can get it on your own.One thing I know for sure, these precious little girls are teaching me daily how to live with more grace. Holding their little hearts in the palm of my hand demands that I be the very best version of myself. And though this lesson is not easy or quick (the most important never are), it's one I am more than willing to continue to work towards. With the help of God and these amazingly beautiful little souls that I am blessed to be with every day.
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