A Little Thanks...
I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for the ways in which you have helped my small business to grow this year. Because of your purchases, support, & good word of mouth, Madeline Bea Soap Co. has grown into a business that can share its blessings. I am so proud of the ways in which we have been able to help others this year.
Back in May, thanks to your purchases of Bath Bars, we were able to donate $200 along with 50 Lavender Lemongrass Bath Bars to the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, PA. These donations helped them to provide housing and comfort to families of sick children being treated at Geisinger Medical Center.
In October, a portion of our sales went to the Feel Your Boobies Foundation. Because of your patronage and support, we were able to donate $300 to the foundation which will enable them to fund initiatives to encourage women under the age of 30 to “feel their boobies” in an effort to detect the early signs of breast cancer.
Yesterday, Madeline Bea Soap Co. donated 25 Christmas in NY Bath Bars to the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, PA. These small gifts will be given during their Christmas celebration to the families staying at the House over the holiday. I only hope that they will bring the smallest amount of joy to these much needing families.
It brings me great joy to be able to give to others in these ways. Thank you for helping to build my little dream of Madeline Bea Soap Co.!
Maegan Beishline
Madeline Bea Soap Co, creator/owner
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