Friday, April 17, 2009

April Soap Notes: Leading By Example...

My husband was never a very good photographer. I usually had to prod him into taking shots of {seemingly obvious} photo ops where he would use our very capable camera as if it were one of those one-time-use film cameras with no zoom. I, on the other hand, love taking pictures. I take a million, some good, some bad…but I photograph everything using different angles, different settings on the camera, etc. Recently, after a particularly eventful weekend, I emptied our memory card out into our computer and actually could not be certain which one of us had taken some of the photos. Now, I have never sat down with my husband and instructed him on how I’d like him to sharpen his photography skills, but I realized that by merely watching me and seeing the pictures I was taking and what I was taking them of, he became better at taking pictures! It was at that moment that I realized the power of leading by example.

Once I had wrapped my head around how poignant of a tool it was, I saw how much my children were learning just by watching me. In fact, my eldest daughter will at times care for her younger sister using my exact tone and words. She also frustrates easily and is quick to blame others, just like her mama. However, no matter how many times I ask her to clean up after herself or untie her shoes before she takes them off, my words are so much less effective than my own behavior.
What I learned from this {completely non-scientific} experiment is that we have the power to influence the behavior of those around us: to increase optimism, generosity, kindness, creativity, etc. by merely embodying these qualities ourselves. When I think about this concept, the very popular Gandhi quote comes to mind: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Although I have read and known this quote for years, it honestly wasn’t until this recent epiphany that I fully understood its significance.
We, as individuals, have the power to make the world a better place simply by living out the postures that we value.

To me, this statement is immensely empowering. It encourages me to be my best self. Just think what great waves we could make in the field of humanity if we were all being our best selves most of the time.

And now for the fun part…
Since I am all about rewarding good behavior, I’d like to help you remember your individual power and aid you in your spreading of essential positivity. We’re giving away a Madeline Bea Soap Co. Lemon Ginger Foot Scrub and a “Be The Change…” handmade bookmark to one lucky reader. Simply comment on this post or shoot me an email telling me what qualities you’d like to spread around a bit to be entered to win! The drawing will be held on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22nd.

{*Madeline Bea Soap Co. Soap Notes are our version of a monthly newsletter meant to inspire and promote well being. If you would like to recieve our Soap Notes by email each month, please sign up here.*}

***The drawing has been held! Congrats to Patrice McArthy!!!! Thanks to all who played along.***


Patrice, RN, BSN April 21, 2009 at 10:57 AM  

I love your grapefruit facial wash, it makes my face so happy!

Lisa Cook April 21, 2009 at 7:50 PM  

I love your products and this is a lovely gift! Thank you so much. Yay! to Earth Day!

Yve April 23, 2009 at 4:15 PM  

Has the drawing been held for this yet?