Sunday, August 16, 2009

One More Year 'Til Thirty...

Tomorrow I'll be 29. Not a monumental birthday per se. But the one right before a pretty significant one. It's the last year of my twenties. The last year of a decade: a decade full of many, many changes. A decade which I entered as a child and am leaving, well, a bit more of a grown up. A decade of graduating college, getting married, having a child, then another, and yet another. A decade of hurt, healing, joy, success, failure, happiness, sadness, overcomings, shortcomings, ending, and beginnings. It's hard to look back on all that's occurred in a matter of ten years without being amazed.

I'm not a person to have many goals. I'm far too aware of life's ever-changing nature to attempt to decide what I will and will not be able to accomplish in a year. I do, however, wish to really embrace this year and live it in a very meaningful way as a homage to all that's occurred in the other years making up this decade. I'm hoping that by doing so, I will enter my thirties with an acute awareness of where I have been, where I am now, and where I'd like to be going. I've been thinking for quite some time how I'd like to authenticate this year in a way that is most authentic to me. I've decided that taking at least one picture every day this year is a relatively simple way to chronicle each day of this last year in my twenties. Most days I take plenty of pictures anyway and it will be good photography practice. Plus, it takes minimal time and honestly, most days, that's all I have. I'm hoping that at the end of the year, these pictures will provide a testament to my growth, my core, and my direction. If nothing else, this ritual will demand that I take pause each day to remember the significance of this year and where I hope to be at it's end.

I don't yet have a cute name for my little challenge, but I'll think of one soon. I'll be posting my daily pictures over at my Flickr site {perhaps not daily but for sure every week}. If anyone else would like to join me for a little daily photo challenge, just leave a comment or shoot me an email...I'd love the company!

I'll be spending my "big day" quietly {hopefully} with my family, possibly having a little playdate with some good friends, enjoying the final two Twilight Saga books which arrived in the mail yesterday, and a little celebratory dinner at my mom's. My sweet hubby has arranged for Twilight the movie to arrive for us tomorrow via Netflix! It should be a great day!

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend!


Kathleen August 18, 2009 at 8:37 AM  

What a wonderful way to document your year! It's amazing to look back and see all the changes, and to anticipate the ones ahead. Happy birthday, friend!

Jamie August 22, 2009 at 6:40 AM  

Happy Belated Birthday - hope it was a lovely one.