Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Guess It Won't Be So Bad...

Anyone who has read even one of my blog posts this summer knows that I'm all but physically ill over the thought of my first born going to Kindergarten this week in fact. But we had an opportunity to go with Rayne to her school the other night for a special Kindergarten orientation. I really hadn't realized how much of my anxiety over the whole thing involved my unknowns about where she would spend her days, who she would be with, what her classroom would look like, etc. All of those questions were answered the other night. We got to look around her school, see her classroom, meet her teacher, get to know some of the students in her class and talk with their parents. We even saw some people that Brent and I went to school with who now have a child starting Kindergarten as well. I now feel like I can let her go off to school with a bit more ease just having those questions answered. That night I slept better than I had in weeks.
I will still be dreading that first day of school...all the while putting my brave face on for Rayne. I will do my best to smile an encouraging smile while she steps onto that bus and heads off for her first day in the world. I will continue to talk with her about all the friends she'll meet, all the things she'll learn, and all the good times she'll have. But as soon as that bus rolls out of sight, I'll be crying like a baby! Thank goodness Brent will be home with my that day to help me walk back to the house...
Please keep us in your prayers this coming week that Rayne and I can both be strong and enter this new stage with light and open hearts. Thanks!