Monday, August 24, 2009

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow...

Yesterday, my first born and I went on a "big girl" date to celebrate her going off to Kindergarten. The time alone with her to be together, talk one on one, and discuss her upcoming big day was priceless.

Today, I gave Rayne & Layla mani/pedis, to again, get ready for Rayne's big day. I'm feeling more at ease with the transition. My months of fretting are over and I'm relieved that the band-aid is about to be ripped off. Always, I feel the anticipation of something can be harder than the actual event. So, although I keep having slight pangs of sadness, overall I feel calm. And ready.

Also, today, I finished reading the Twilight Saga. I chose those books to read during August as an entertaining distraction from thinking of Rayne going off to school. It's so fitting that I would finish the day before. These books were enjoyable and I'm coming away from them believing {just a little bit} in magic again. Age has made me far too rational and I'm happy to have this little bit of whimsy back in my life.

Tomorrow, I will send my first born off to school {on the bus} for the first of many, many days to come. All I can hope for now is that she is safe and happy, and that I am able to feel all the accompanying emotions authentically, sit with them comfortably, and then move beyond them gracefully. She's very excited/nervous/anxious...but I know we're both going to be great!

Wish us luck!


Jamie August 24, 2009 at 9:41 PM  

Good luck getting through the first day - to both you and your daughter.

Anonymous August 24, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

Good luck to you, and her, what a milestone! (didn't you love Twilight?!)