Monday, June 8, 2009

The Graduate...

Yes, that's right. My first born will now officially be a Kindergartner. It's been a little hard for me to swallow. Of course this was a pretty big sign that Rayne is growing up {mighty quickly} right before my eyes. But there have been smaller signs of it all over the place. Like how independent she is. She hardly needs me to help her with basic needs anymore. And more often than not, she's helping me to help everyone else. In fact, the other day she even made her own sandwich for lunch.
There's absolutely no baby left in her looks at all anymore. She has a little girl face and hair and oh-my-goodness those cute little girl legs. Her walk and talk are that of a little girl. She makes up great stories and has some great ideas...and some not-so-great. She's smart and witty. We are often found cracking up at one of her funny comments.
So I should not have been so caught off guard by this monumental sign of her growing up...but I was. Maybe it will cushion me for the blow of her fifth birthday coming in a couple of months or for her {gasp} first day of full day Kindergarten. Yeah right, who am I kidding...I'm going to be a puddle!
{Oh, and for a little salt in this Mama's wound: this weekend, my dog turned 10 and Maya hit three months...oh yes, I'm feeling all sorts of sentimental}
Happy Monday, sniffle, sniffle!