Monday, March 1, 2010

Well: Filled...

Not every weekend is wonderful...but this one was pretty darn good. It was short, too...with Brent working on Saturday, we really only had one official day to our weekend...but it was a good day...full of all those simple things that just seem to fill the well and refresh the spirit. Just to mention a few...

  • Finally feeling better

  • Getting some good night's sleeps

  • A walk outdoors

  • A new haircut for Bea {courtesy of moi!'s a tad un-even, I think, but it'll do}

  • A little one year photo session with Maya in honor of the big day she'll be having on Saturday! {I'll be showing more pics from her little session throughout the week.}

  • Watching Maya happily wearing the scarf I knitted with this exact photo shoot in mind

  • Amish friendship bread {the making of which was a step short of a disaster, but the eating was amazing!}...I wish you were all closer. I have a couple starters left!

  • Speaking of good food...making and eating baked mac & cheese! Yum!

  • Watching three little ones walk around the house {yes, Maya is walking pretty efficiently now!}

  • Hearing three beautiful little voices sharing their thoughts {Maya is also saying quite a bit

  • A photo walk out back with Rayne
...which brings me to this...
Rayne has begun a weekly photo collaboration with the daughter of a blog friend of mine. Tessa and Rayne will take turns picking a theme for the week and they'll be posting their side by side images on their new blog!
This week's theme was "something in your backyard." Please stop over and see their pics and tell them how lovely they are!

Tomorrow I will post the first in a two part series on creativity! See you then!

Happy Monday!


Corinne Cunningham March 1, 2010 at 11:26 AM  

So glad you guys are on the mend :) Happy Monday!

Johnna Riddell March 1, 2010 at 12:21 PM  

what a beautiful weekend. :) I love the photo of you all in the mirror ;) FUN. I am so glad everyone is feeling better and I love that you got to take delight in so many perfect things. I wish every weekend could be so sweet :)
I love Rayne's little photo collaboration, I bookmarked their blog and left them a comment. What a great thing for the girls to do and how sweet that she wants to be just like Momma :)

Have a great Monday!

Magnolia Handspun March 1, 2010 at 1:33 PM  

So the family photo of you all, very nice.
Sounds like a great weekend.
Off to visit the new beautiful blog.
Have a good one!

Anonymous March 1, 2010 at 2:44 PM  

ahhh i love the girls' blog...what a cute idea. i look forward to their clicks.

PhotoPuddle March 1, 2010 at 4:01 PM  

What a lovely family photo! And I love the scarf picture too! I like the yellow and navy blue. The girl's blog is fantastic!

Jamie March 1, 2010 at 8:22 PM  

I'm in LOVE with your family photo - so full of life and true to your family's personality. Amazing.

Beth Simmons March 2, 2010 at 1:41 AM  

Such a beautiful family! I love the mirror shot! So glad you are all feeling better and had a great day together. How fun that your daughter is starting a photo project and with a friend! I check out the blog and it looks great!

Kim Klassen March 2, 2010 at 9:19 AM  

oh happy glad to hear you are feeling better and that you had a most lovely weekend...

these images are always...

and congrats to rayne... so inspiring! and wonderful you 2 have photography in common...what a gift you are sharing with each other!!

happy tuesday...xxo, kim

Ren- Lady Of The Arts March 3, 2010 at 8:16 PM  

Lovely blog- I love your blessings. Photos are great.

casual friday every day March 5, 2010 at 8:41 PM  

um - first photo --- total perfection!
