Our Christmases just keep getting more full and more magical every year. And although Santa no longer leaves me gifts under the tree, I got everything I could ever have wished for this Christmas.

Moments to glimpse what a beautiful little girl my
Rayne is becoming. With her great big open heart and her quick and witty mind, she is by far one of my most favorite people in the world.

Getting to do some big kid things with Layla that she was too little for last Christmas. It's amazing to know how much she has grown and matured over this past year. She has given up her role as the baby in the house so gracefully and {although it's not always easy} she's really getting to be a big girl in her thoughts, words, & deeds.

Watching baby Maya experience the magic of Christmas for the very first time was so much fun. Every light, every ornament, every dancing reindeer brought her endless joy. I love when they're babies and it's all so pure and amazing...a girl can start believing again herself!

The satisfaction of really feeling like Santa did a great job this year and seeing that my girls also value quality over quantity.

Quiet pockets of time in our days off together to enjoy conversation and snuggles with my husband.

And, of course, the heartwarming feeling that comes with knowing that no new fancy toy holds a candle to a little cuddle with her mama!
How did I get so lucky and so blessed?
Well, I suppose it's time to accept that Christmas is over {as well as my self-imposed post-Christmas incubation/hibernation period...seriously friends, I would stayed holed-up in my little house with my little family forever...I'm a total hermit}. Anyway, Brent is back to work today and real life is calling to me in the way of cranky tired children, full baskets of laundry {both clean and dirty}, and a little split lip/bloody mess accident this morning. I think in lieu of all this it's okay {totally necessary} to start the process of acceptance that the holiday is over and it's time to move on.
I really hope that you all had a great Christmas and that you're slowly but surely getting back on your feet.
btw...I just read this great post on
"coming off Christmas" which kind-of helped a bit this morning! Enjoy your day!
It looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas, love the pictures! I know just how you feel, Eric is back to work today as well and after so much running around this last week and a crazy-messy house, I really don't know where to begin! I love that post you linked to, thanks for sharing!
I know what you mean....seeing all this in your children. What a wonderful blessed time you have. Savor the moments!
Thanks for your visit...I will be back here for more :)
What a beautiful holiday you had!
Thanks for sharing such lovely images and words.
I love that wreath tutorial...I can't wait to try it next year. Maybe I can find some ornaments on sale now for it. So pretty!
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